What I Shoot With

December 01, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

What I Shoot With

In case you don’t know, I’m Stacey of Stacey Markel Photography.  I have always had a passion for photography, which goes back as far as I remember.  I started my business in 2013 after much internal debate about whether or not I could actually do it and be successful.  Successful to me didn’t mean making a ton of money since I already have a full time job as a safety consultant, but would people want to book with me?  I’m so happy when clients choose ME to capture their images, whether for high school seniors or families.  I still feel like I need to pinch myself. 

When it comes to equipment, I am a Nikon girl all the way!  I have been shooting on a Nikon for as long as I can remember.  My husband upgraded me to a DSLR when our daughter was born about 10 years ago.  Prior to that I was still shooting with just film.  Needless to say, it took me a long time to agree to the change from film to digital but I’m glad I upgraded.  I started out with a Nikon D90, then a Nikon D7000 and now I shoot with a Nikon 750 and it’s by far my favorite!  First, it’s a full frame, which means alot of things that I won’t get into but one of my favorites is that it helps me to shoot better in low light situations.  My favorite go to lens during any shoot is my Nikon 70-200.  It’s a heavy beast but it produces the most beautiful, creamy bokeh (blurry background for those non-photographers out there). 

Are you into photography too? If so, what camera do you use?  I still go by the old adage “It’s not the camera, it’s who’s behind the camera” so even if you have a point and shoot, you can still produce beautiful images! 

Photography is the only language that can be understood anywhere in the world.  ~Bruno Barbey

I’d love to talk cameras – click here and send me an email to ask any questions you may have about shooting style, camera settings, how to.., etc.

 If you'd like to find out more information about how Stacey Markel Photography can capture your memories, stop on over to the About Stacey Markel Photography section to learn more about me and to see if I'd be a great fit to be your family photographer.  Or stop by my blog to see what I’ve been up to lately.  I would love to talk to you about how I can capture those special memories for you and your family.


I encourage you to contact me today by clicking the Stacey Markel Photography Contact Page.  Let’s start capturing those memories!

~ Stacey




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