Big Girl Camera - Week 3

January 22, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Big Girl Camera - Week 3

It's week 3 of 2017 and I'm still doing my 365!  I know at some point, I may slack a little bit, just with life getting in the way, but I'm going to try and continue as long as I can. This week continued with my little girl's pneumonia.  She was put on 3 separate medicines this week due to two allergic reactions.  In the middle of the week was my birthday and towards the end of the week, my girl was FINALLY starting to feel better!  Her friends at school sent home some nice Get Well Cards that really cheered her up!  Friday ended with my son getting his Black Belt packet and he will be working super hard these next few months (didn't bring my big girl camera). 

If you would like to find out more information about Stacey Markel Photography, stop on over to the About Stacey Markel Photography section to learn more about me.


I encourage you to contact me today by clicking the Stacey Markel Photography Contact Page.  Let’s start capturing those memories!

~ Stacey




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