You never know ~ Dads and Daughters

June 26, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

You never know...

You never know when someone is going to be moved by one of your images but it is certainly a huge compliment.  I received an email in the fall of 2013 regarding one of my images.  It was an image of my daughter in her tutu, dressed in my heels.  The email was from Michael Mitchell who is a father who blogs about how to give life to your daughter's years.  He was in the process of writing a book for dads with daughters and wanted to use my image.  As we spoke back and forth through email and I did a little research into his blog, Life to Her Years, I really liked where this Dad was coming from.  I could relate to every post that he was putting on his blog, even though I am a Mom.  I asked him if he needed any more images and he sent me a list of all his quotes that would be used in the book.  So, of course, I started sending lots of pictures to him.  One image that he was having difficulty finding was an image of a dad and his daughter having a tea party.  So, my husband, daughter and I set out to have a tea party that weekend.  It was a fun experience for my husband and daughter, I have the images from that day that will last a lifetime and my daughter will always have those memories to cherish.  

I have a few images featured in the book, that he later titled "Life Lessons for Dad:  Tea Parties, Tutus and All Things Pink", that are included here and I'm so excited to finally be able to share them.  Some of the images that were chosen were of my clients and I didn't want to ruin the surprise for Dad (since I only told Mom about the image being chosen!) and the book came out around Father's Day.

I'm very excited that these images were chosen and will be forever captured in this beautiful book. 

I did a review of the book which you can find here, "Life Lessons" Book Review.  Even though Father's Day is over, it's never to late to get that special man in your daughter's life this great book! 



Week 25 {Cars}Week 25 {Cars}

Week 30 {Low Light}Week 30 {Low Light}

I absolutely love this smile of hers!I absolutely love this smile of hers!



Week 7 {Love}Week 7 {Love}





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