What's the story behind what I do?
I've recently started following Alex Beadon and she has started a Feel Good Blogging Challenge that I am now starting. I have a difficult time blogging about my passion of photography and putting myself out there but thought it would be a great challenge for me to accept.
Day 2 of the challenge is to write about the story behind what I do. Here it goes....
I believe in capturing memories. I want my children to see themselves when they were little babies...seeing our family do fun things together and experiencing new adventures. So, let me take a bit of a step back to explain why....
I grew up as an only child, who was born to a Mom who had just recently lost her husband on Christmas Eve, about a month before I was born. While she was going through a difficult time with the loss of my father, she had a new beginning to focus on with a new bundle of joy. My mom was never one to take lots of pictures of my childhood. She would snap a few here and there at Christmas or on my birthday and she almost never got in the picture with me. Although the ones that I do have of us together are cherished even more so since she passed away from cancer last year. It was, and is still, very difficult to be without her since it was just us two from the beginning and she was my best friend. But because she chose to get in some of those pictures with me, I can still see her smiling face.
I want my children to have those images with me in them! Early on, I was the same as my mom, shying away from the camera because I gained too much baby weight or didn't have makeup on. But I don't hesitate to hand my camera over to my husband now. I WANT to be in these images with my children. I want them to be able to look through their scrapbooks and see their Mom experiencing things with them, not just behind the camera capturing all the fun. I WANT to be a part of the fun!! I urge every parent out there...especially the Moms (let's face it...most Moms do shy away from the camera!), to get IN the photo with your children. Who cares if you need to lose weight, put on make-up, fix your hair....your children do not care about those things. They care about you and LOVE seeing you in those photos with them. Whether you hire a photographer (I'm always looking for a new client!) or have dad or a friend to take your picture...I urge you to get IN the photo!! I even decided to hire a very talented friend and photographer to take my own family's images so we could get some great family portraits that are few and far between in my household (especially with all four of us together!)
I started my business in 2013, first because of my love of photography but second, I wanted to be able to bring beautiful images to my clients where I'm capturing their family dynamic, their interaction and their love for one another.
So, I challenge you....Get in that image!
Image Credit: Megan Evans Photography
Image Credit: Megan Evans Photography