2/52 {storytelling}2/52 | {Storytelling}
This book was given to me by my Mom a few years ago. I read it when she first gave it to me but now that she's passed away her written words mean so much more to me now than they ever have. Looking through these pages and seeing all her thoughts about my childhood and her dreams for my future really allows me to see through her eyes. This is storytelling at it's greatest and something I will always cherish. I've even started a book for my own children.
2/52 | {Storytelling}
This book was given to me by my Mom a few years ago. I read it when she first gave it to me but now that she's passed away her written words mean so much more to me now than they ever have. Looking through these pages and seeing all her thoughts about my childhood and her dreams for my future really allows me to see through her eyes. This is storytelling at it's greatest and something I will always cherish. I've even started a book for my own children.